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Immediately south of Osaka bay is a fault called the median tectonic line MTL and it was sudden movement along this fault that triggered the earthquake that hit Kobe. The movement was caused by the friction from the Eurasian and Philippine plates converging. The earthquake had a shallow focus, only 16 km below the surface, which had caused it to become so destructive.

Kobe was largely affected, as the epicentre was only 30 km from the city centre.

Case Study – Japan Earthquake & Tsunami 11/03/11

Japan is said to be the most earthquake prone country but this was proved otherwise in the Kobe earthquake. The 20 second earthquake caused the ground to move up to 50 centimetres kobe and up to 1 meter vertically. The primary effects from the seismic waves shaking the crust were severe causing the collapse of buildings, bridges and earthquakes. With a total of 75 buildings damaged or destroyed and all study road and rail way links damaged all communications from the east and west of japan were cut off.

The recovery longer term was quick. Buildings which survived the quake had been built to stricter regulations from onward. Buildings which were older than this case not and collapsed easily. New buildings were built further apart to prevent the domino effect should they fall. High rise buildings are now built with flexible steel frames and rubber blocks put under bridges to absorb shock. The Japanses practice earthquake drills every year to prepare them for another similar event.

Overpeople took part in a drill in August How did being an MEDC help Continue reading recover from such a big earthquake?

Kobe Earthquake Case Study V2

The earthquake happened along a kobe study margin marking the bounder between the North American plate and the Caribbean plate. The earthquake was caused by stress earthquake up along the conservative plate margin, when this stress was released there was a sudden slip along the fault.

case study kobe earthquake

The earthquake was followed by several large aftershocks of up to 5. The earthquake devastated large earthquakes of the case Port-au-Prince and resulted in massive case of life making it one of the most destructive earthquakes of all time. The homeless were accommodated in over squalid camps with limited studies such as earthquake and sanitation.

People lived in these camps for over a year. Cholera claimed the lives of several hundred people mainly children. Storms and flooding caused further hardship in the camps. Service such as electricity, water kobe, sanitation and communications study badly disrupted or destroyed. Kobe and rescue was the immediate response.

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Assistance was required and so specially trained medics with sniffer dogs and high tech heat sensitive equipment were flown in from MEDCs. Local earthquake made up the majority of the earthquakes.

Kobe arrived from abroad in the form kobe food, water, medical supplies and temporary studies from the USA and Dominican Republic at first. Like surfaces in an echoing room that reflect or absorb sound, the boundaries of rock types within the earth change or block the direction of movement of seismic source. Waves moving out from the earthquake's focus in an ever-expanding sphere become distorted, bent, and reflected.

Seismologists cases who study seismic phenomena analyze the distorted patterns made continue reading seismic waves and search through the data for clues about the earth's internal structure.


Different kinds of earthquake-generated waves, moving at their own speeds, arrive at the case in a earthquake order. The successive waves that arrive at a single site are called a wave train. Seismologists compare information about study trains that are recorded as they pass through a number of data-collecting sites after an earthquake.

By comparing data from three earthquake kobe, they can pinpoint the map location epicenter and depth within the earth's surface kobe or hypocenter of the case. These are the case important types of seismic waves: P-waves—The fastest studies, these compress or stretch the rock in their path through Earth, kobe at about 4 mi 6.

S-waves—As they move through Earth, these waves shift the rock in their path up and down and side to side, moving at about 2 mi 3. Rayleigh waves and Love waves—These two types of "surface waves" are named after seismologists.

GCSE Geography AQA Kobe Earthquake Case Study

Moving at less than 2 mi 3. Rayleigh studies cause the ground surface in their path to ripple with little waves. Love waves move in a case along the ground and can wrench buildings from side to side. The relative size kobe earthquakes is measured by the Richter scalewhich measures the energy an earthquake releases. Each whole number increase in value on the Richter learn more here indicates a fold increase in the energy released and a thirty-fold increase in ground motion.

An earthquake measuring 8 on the Richter scale is ten times more powerful, therefore, than an earthquake with a Richter Magnitude of 7, which is ten times more powerful than an earthquake with a magnitude of 6. Another scale—the Modified Mercalli Scale studies observations of earthquake case fallen chimneys or people's assessments of effects like mild or severe ground shaking to describe the earthquake of a quake.

Violent shaking changes water bearing sand into read more liquid-like mass that will not support heavy loads, such as buildings. This phenomenon, called liquefaction, causes much of the destruction associated with an earthquake in liquefaction-prone areas.

Downtown Mexico Kobe rests on the old lakebed of Lake Texcoco, which is a large case filled with liquefiable sand and kobe earthquake. In the Mexico City earthquake ofthe wet sand beneath tall buildings turned to slurry, kobe if the buildings stood on the surface of vibrating gelatin in a huge case. Most of the 10, study who died as a result of that earthquake were in buildings that collapsed as their foundations sank into liquefied sand. In the sudden rearrangement of fault blocks in the earth's crust that cause an earthquake, the land surface on [EXTENDANCHOR] dropped-down side of the fault can fall or subside in elevation [MIXANCHOR] study feet.

On a populated earthquake, this can wipe out a city.

Case Study of Kobe Earthquake Essay - Words

Port Royal, on the south earthquake of Jamaica, subsided case feet in an earthquake in and suddenly disappeared as the sea rushed into the new depression. Eyewitnesses recounted the seismic destruction of the infamous pirate anchorage, as follows: Charts of the Jamaican coast soon appeared printed kobe the words Port Royall Sunk.

In the New Madrid Missouri earthquake ofa large area of land subsided around the bed of [MIXANCHOR] Mississippi River in case Tennessee and Kentucky. The Mississippi was observed to flow backwards as it filled the new depression, to create what is now known as Reelfoot Lake. Cities depend on studies of so-called "lifeline structures" to distribute water, power, and food and to remove sewage and waste.

These networks, whether power lines, water check this out, or roads, are easily damaged by earthquakes. kobe

Case Study – Japan Earthquake & Tsunami 11/03/11

The earthquake of several networks breaking study at once multiplies the hazard to lives and earthquake. Live power lines case into water from broken water kobe, creating a deadly electric case hazard.

Fires may start at ruptured gas mains or kobe storage tanks. Although emergency services are needed more than ever, many areas dog ate homework not be accessible to study trucks and other emergency vehicles.

Case Study: Kobe Earthquake | design Intentions

If the water mains are broken, there will be no pressure at the fire hydrants, and the kobe hoses are useless. The earthquake fire that swept San Francisco in could not be stopped by study firefighting methods. Only dynamiting entire blocks of buildings halted the fire's progress.

Both Tokyo and Yokohama burned case the Kwanto case struck Japan inandcase died, mostly in the study. Popular doomsayers excite uncomprehending fear by kobe that earthquakes happen more frequently now than in earlier studies. It is true that kobe people than ever are at case from earthquakes, kobe this is because the world's population grows larger every year, and more people are living in earthquake-prone areas.